Carole Davis (Carrera)
Fifty years flies when we're having fun! After 2 years at Mary Washington College, I married in 1962, worked and received my "getting hubby through" degree in 1965. Daughters Sylvia and Cynthia born in 1967 and 1969 respectively, kept me hopping at home. Our move to Blacksburg, VA for our life's adventure allowed me to finally go back to school to finish my art education, B.A., 1976 from VT.
Although family still takes priority over creativity in my studio, travel and tennis also call to me and one of these days soon I will again tackle this hilly terrain on my road bike. All of my gardening efforts are much appreciated by our deer population, but I am indeed lucky for them to be part of my view of the valley. Other things that make my world go 'round include my husband, good friends, memories of classmates such as you, classical music, opera, visits to art galleries, our beautiful mountain landscape and wine, of course.